Professional Outdoor Gear for Unlimited Exploration
Professional Outdoor Gear for Unlimited Exploration Professional Outdoor Gear for Unlimited Exploration
Home Outdoor Gear Climbing Ropes
Product Details

Light and compact belay/rappel device.

Master was created for belaying and rappelling. It is a versatile, dynamic and reliable tool to minimize the force transmitted to the anchors, the belay and the wear and tear over time of the rope. Its body has been designed with a series of holes on the sides to reduce weight, but above all to disperse the heat and consequently not to overheat the rope that passes into it. As with all tubes, the use of gloves is recommended for greater guarantee in braking the ropes, belaying the first climber fromt he harness. It can be used both on single pitch climbs, on a multipitch route, and on a classic wall where you don't want to stress the anchors.

  • Activities: climbing
  • Materials/construction/technologies: aluminum
  • Certifications: EN 15151 -2
  • Rope dimensions: 7,3 - 11 mm
  • Weight: 64g (2,3 oz)


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